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What to do after a truck accident in Port Allen, Louisiana


Commercial trucks are an important part of our country’s infrastructure, capable of hauling big and heavy loads anywhere across the country. If you look at any item that you use in your day-to-day life, there’s a good chance it got to your hands thanks, in part, to a truck driver.

Unfortunately, just like any other vehicle on the road, trucks can cause and be involved in accidents. Endless interstate construction and related congestion only increases the chance of trucking accidents, as often seen around the I-10 Mississippi River Bridge and approach ramps.

If you’ve been involved in a truck accident, whether or not you were driving the truck, you may be wondering what to do next. Trucking accidents raise unique issues and may be governed by federal motor carrier law. It is important that counsel understands special considerations peculiar to trucking collisions.

Luckily, the qualified and experienced lawyers at Pierce & Shows represents those in Port Allen, Louisiana and are here to help you after your accident.

Truck Accidents vs. Car Accidents in Louisiana

What are the differences that separate truck accidents from car accidents?

Perhaps the biggest difference is that while many people walk away from car accidents unscathed, this is often not the case with truck accidents, which result in lasting injuries and deaths more often than regular car accidents. It’s estimated that 0.05 percent of all car accidents are fatal, whereas 1 percent of all truck accidents are fatal.

Why is this the case? Semi-truck accidents are typically more serious than car accidents due to the massive loads that the trucks carry, which can be tens of thousands of pounds. All that extra weight brings a great deal of force and power into an accident, causing a lot of damage.

Even though truck accidents occur much less often than car accidents, when they do happen, they can be much more dangerous.

What Do I Do After a Truck Accident in Port Allen, Louisiana?

If you know what to do after a car accident, you probably know what to do after a truck accident, as they involve similar steps. These steps include:

  • Get yourself and your vehicle (if possible) out of traffic to a safe area.
  • Cal 911.
  • Take pictures and videos of the scene of the accident.
  • Exchange insurance and contact information with the other driver(s) involved in the crash. Other than this, do your best to limit contact and conversation with the other driver(s) involved.
  • Do not, under any circumstances, admit guilt, say the accident was your fault, or apologize to the other driver.
  • Obtain contact information from the responding police officer(s) and any witnesses who were there.
  • Go to see a doctor. Even if you don’t think you’re injured, it’s best practice to see a doctor after any sort of accident. Due to the adrenaline rush that happens during traumatic events, it can sometimes take a day or two before your body starts hurting after an injury.
  • Contact a Louisiana truck accident attorney. It’s important to contact a lawyer as soon as possible to get the legal protection you deserve. This is extra important if you intend to sue for financial compensation. Under Louisiana law, you only have one year from the date of the accident to file a lawsuit for compensation.

Other Non-standard Vehicle Accidents

For more information on what to do after an accident involving other types of vehicles, you can visit our blog post about what to do after a motorcycle accident.

Contact Pierce & Shows today

An experienced accident lawyer can answer questions like these and provide whatever help you may need after a truck accident. Because of the differences between truck and car accidents, your needs may be different from the average driver who’s been in a car accident, so you need a lawyer experienced in truck accidents.

At Pierce & Shows, we have a team of lawyers and legal experts who will do everything in their power to support you and fight for the best outcome for your case. Contact the offices of Pierce & Shows today.
