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Do I Need To Make Sure the Police Come to the Scene of a Car Accident in Louisiana?


Regardless of whether a car accident is fatal or not, filing a police report for a car accident in Louisiana is always a smart decision. Although it may seem insignificant at the time, the police report can become a vital tool during settlement negotiations with your insurance company, throughout the investigation, and in any ensuing court cases.

With decades of experience and proven results, our Louisiana car accident attorneys at Pierce & Shows can help you navigate every step of the car accident claim and trial process.In this blog, we cover everything you need to know about making a call to an officer after a car accident.

What to Do if You Are Involved in an Accident in Louisiana

Health should alwayscome first. Render medical care if you can, or call for emergency medical services. Once you’ve addressed any immediate medical concerns, ensure that everyone else involved in the accident is safe. Only after confirming this should you call the police.

Additionally, if you have a minor injury and can move, try to securethe accident scene and take note of the cause of the accident.Photos, videos, and written notesare helpful in this case.

After leaving the scene, go back to the doctor to make sure that you have been thoroughly checked by a licensed physical and cleared of any serious injuries.

Why You Should Call the Police Immediately

Louisiana law requires you to call the police after serious traffic accidents. If the accident is severe and there is damage done to the vehicles, or significant motor vehicle law violations, call an officer. He or she will help prepare a police report about the crash.

Make sure you get the police officer’s name and badge number, as well as the station the police are coming from so you can get your copy of the accident report later.

If you have access to the report number, you’ll also need to document it. The document is your way out when faced with an accident with an accident lawsuit or insurance claim.

Louisiana state law RS 32:398 mandates calling the police immediately for accidents involving:

  • Injury
  • Death
  • Property damage of at least $500

Call an officer if the accident is severe, has damaged the vehicles, or has caused significant motor vehicle law violations. Upon their arrival, you must provide the responding officer with the important details they ask for.

You also need to share this information with any injured person or any driver whose property was damaged. Make sure you get the following from the office:

  1. Police officer’s name
  2. Badge number
  3. The station the police are coming from

These details are important so you can obtain your copy of the accident report later.

It’s wise to call the police after an accident to ensure they document the incident, as their report is crucial for any compensation claims and in maximizing how much you can get.If you have access to the report number, you’ll also need to document it.

This document is crucial when dealing with a lawsuit or insurance claim related to the accident to ensure that your rights are protected. Moreover, you will also need to relay this to your car accident lawyer in Louisiana.

What if the Police Officer Does Not Show Up?

If the police don’t respond to the scene but the law requires you to call them, you must submit a written report to the Louisiana Department of Public Safety & Corrections within 24 hours if the crash caused:

  • Injury
  • Death
  • At least $100 in property damage

Failing to file this report within 24 hours could result in a $100 fine, up to 60 days in jail, or both.

What if the Accident Is Minor With No Injuries?

Even if no damage is done to any of the vehicles and no party is injured, it is still important that you involve the police.

No matter how minor it seems, the police officer will help you get things back in order, and the records he or she takes will come in handy.

Sometimes, in major cities, however, police are reluctant to come to the scene of a minor accident. In that case, ensure you exchange contact information and insurance information with the other party.

What Information Do You Need From the Third Party?

As mentioned,if your accident was minor, the police might advise you to exchange contact information with the other party.You should exchange the following details:

  • Names
  • Telephone numbers
  • Car insurance company names
  • Addresses
  • License plate numbers
  • Policy numbers
  • Contact information for the insurance representative handling the accident

If you suspect the information provided by the other party is not genuine, consider calling their insurance company on the spot to confirm its accuracy before they leave. This step is crucial for ensuring you can locate them later if necessary.

Remember, when you call, only verify the other driver’s insurance coverage. Avoid discussing the details of the accident until you have consulted with a car accident attorney.

What Happens if There’s an Error in the Police Report?

Police reports sometimes contain errors that could undermine your claim. Our personal injury attorneys are skilled at identifying and correcting these inaccuracies. Often, a simple discussion with the officer can lead to a report revision or guidance on how to address the mistake.

It’s important to inform your attorney about any discrepancies as early as possible to ensure they are corrected swiftly. Delaying this correction might lead the insurance company to challenge the legitimacy of your claim, asserting that the error was mentioned solely to support your case.

How Hiring an Attorney for Your Louisiana Car Accident Case Can Help

Hiring a car accident attorney in Louisiana can significantly simplify the claims process for you and answer your questions regarding your case or the situation as a whole. Our law firm at Pierce & Shows aims to help you secure fair compensation that covers the following:

  1. Car repairs
  2. Medical bills
  3. Any lost income due to missed work
  4. Pain and suffering

According to CC Art. 3492, there is a limited timeframe to build your case and decide on pursuing a trial. The sooner your lawyer is informed about your accident, the more time we have to prepare a robust legal strategy and ensure we meet the timeframe set to file insurance claims.

Contact Our Louisiana-Based Car Accident Attorneys at Pierce & Shows Today

It is very important for the police to be at the scene of an accident, as the investigating officer will help ascertain the situation on the ground and compile a report. So, no matter how minor you think the accident may be, be sure to give them a call.
